Caddonfoot Prizegiving 2014

The annual CY (Caddonfoot Youth) prize-giving was held in the Parish Church on Sunday when the service was led by Mrs Catriona Bird on her last day as CY leader.

Mrs Bird is stepping down after many years, believed to be between 35 and 40, involvement with the Church, including 12 at Caddonfoot, eight as leader of the Sunday School and then the re-named Caddonfoot Youth.

The theme of the service was Faith in God, and after the youngsters had sung songs, read a Reading and led Prayers, they were presented with books to mark the end of the summer term.

Mrs Bird received a bouquet, a cake and a card from CY and a further card and Marks & Spencer token from the congregation in recognition of her contribution.

The minister, the Rev Elspeth Harley, who made the presentation from the congregation, said that Mrs Bird had made a ‘huge contribution’ to the church and thanked her for all of her efforts and everyone was very grateful for what she had done over the years.

The service, as usual, ended with tea, coffee, juice, biscuits and cake.

Now the church is looking for a replacement for Mrs Bird and who could take on the teaching and mentoring of the children. It does not have to be every week. Please contact the minister if you can help in any way.

Next Sunday, the Kirkin’ of the Braw Lads’ Gathering Principals will be held at the morning service at 9.45 am. This is always a special occasion and the church, which will be decorated for the occasion followed by tea, coffee etc, welcomes everyone to Caddonfoot.

Members should note that the service on Sunday, August 10, will be held at 6.30 pm to avoid clashing with a major cycle race, which will mean part-closure of the road past the church. More details later.

Members, too, were saddened to hear of the death of Elder, Mr Ian Hislop. His funeral service was held in Caddonfoot Church.